Let’s Encrypt support has been integrated into the control panel on Luna, a new platform launched last month. You may issue an SSL certificate for up to 50 hostnames[1] . These certificates are issued at no additional cost, other than the $2.50/month IP address base charge. Certificates automatically renew within 10 days of expiration and no further action is necessary other than initial issuance. Visit Web > SSL Certificates in the control panel to get started. Because there is no additional cost associated with Let’s Encrypt and no advantage, self-signed certificate issuance has been removed from the control panel.
Have fun!

NOTE: this feature is only available on Luna at this time. It may trickle to Sol and possibly Helios platforms at a later date.
1: Specification is 100 common names, but the generator automatically permutes a www variation effectively halving the allowable limit
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