Two new DNS resolvers have been established for all servers. The resolvers are located within the subnet to minimize network latencies, which have plagued the previous DNS resolver over the past two days. Hosting nameservers, and remain unaffected
esprit Update – Disk Usage Breakdown enhancements
A new esprit update has been pushed to the servers at this time focusing on improving Disk Usage Breakdown reporting. Added: get_account_quota()- retrieve file/disk quota on group (Site) Added: estimate apache quota contribution, accessible with get_quota(“apache”) (User, Disk Usage Breakdown)
Ruby library relocation, subdomain/domain symlinks
Two minor changes will occur tonight between 11 PM – 12 AM EDT (-0400 GMT) aimed at improving manageability. First, the custom Ruby library location, defined by RUBYLIB, will be changed from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 to /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby. Relocation will allow gem updates