A new esprit update has been pushed to the servers at this time introducing a new “Add User” interface and an enhanced error system designed to facilitate development.  Add User replaces the original Ensim version with our own spin, showcasing several features unique to apis.  IMAP/SMTP access, mailbox creation, FTP jailing, and subdomain restrictions have been introduced.  An interactive File Browser has been introduced as well with the custom FTP jails.  Filesystem autocomplete controls (Add Subdomain, File Manager) will be replaced by the new interface for the next update in 7 – 12 days.  Please let us know of any interface issues through the trouble ticket facility.  “Manage Users” will be replaced on this update.  Manage Users will require several hours of work to tie in the additional features, which shouldn’t preclude an early taste of a few new toys in user management.  😉

Error reporting has been overhauled and certain postbacks may appear erroneously as “failed” or “succeeded, with warnings”.  esprit’s horrendously inefficient exception handling routines have been replaced by error()/warn()/info()/debug() macros.  These macros introduce classes, which may result in unexpected behavior, e.g. failure being interpreted as a warning, warning interpreted as an error, unexpected successful return failure interpreted as a failure, etc.  esprit’s presentation layer is not regression tested as extensively as the backend modules, so if something seems odd, chances are it is (for right now).
Update (12/17 11:52 AM EST): one more outstanding bug has been fixed.  A conflict arose between Ensim and apnscp esprit resulting in Ensim pages from displaying correctly.  This has been resolved and the update has been pushed back to the servers.


  • Added: highlight class to selected files in File Manager
  • Added: Add User esprit version
  • Added: interactive directory/file picker control
  • Added: get_username_from_uid, user_exists (User)
  • Added: per-user configuration in <info path>/users/
  • Added: Templates for page-specific JS controls (JS_Template)
  • Added: SSH, FTP modules
  • Fixed: enforce 1 GB log file limitation to prevent runaway logging
  • Fixed: remove spurious while loop on get_svc_value() (Module_Skeleton)
  • Fixed: remove superfluous semicolon from ticket subject when opened from domain-less account (CRM)
  • Fixed: regression, missing Graph class in Disk Usage Breakdown
  • Fixed: restore /usr/sbin after system() call in change_password (Auth)
  • Fixed: AllowOverride set in Ensim’s config parses rules in /var/www/html prevents FastCGI passthru (12/17)
  • Changed: pass login string in request URI instead of session token when communicating with Ensim
  • Changed: key file entries by path in get_directory_contents() (File)
  • Changed: refactored Page_Container
  • Changed: rewrite of return binding behavior in Page_Container: error codes return PB_WARNING temporarily unless instance of apnscpError class. Behavior is temporary and will change to new warn()/error()/info() handlers in Error_Reporter module.
  • Changed: rename remove_mailbox() to delete_mailbox() (Email)
  • Removed: sigchild handler obstructs exit value in proc_close()
Esprit Update: user management changeover, error reporting facility changes

3 thoughts on “Esprit Update: user management changeover, error reporting facility changes

  • December 16, 2008 at 10:44 pm GMT-0500

    Nice! Thanks!

  • December 16, 2008 at 10:57 pm GMT-0500

    Temporarily reverting due to a conflict between development and production servers. Some old configuration that has remained unversioned is affecting a header. All of the files affected are pretty old complicating issues. I will check this out more in-depth tomorrow afternoon.

    Pictures will have to suffice for now. Comments are welcome though, especially on the slider control.

  • December 17, 2008 at 11:58 am GMT-0500

    Yesterday’s update has been rolled out on the servers again with a new bugfix for the Ensim pages.

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